Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yawn, blog, what blog?

I know I've been MIA for several days. Apparently dividing cells can be a bit fatiguing. I love, love, love being pregnant, BUT I do have to say that I've been completely exhausted and struggling to make it through the work day let alone create a witty account of my goings ons. So, to get you all up to speed: I have been peeing like crazy including about 3 times during the night!! And I had to purchase a couple of new bras because apparently the 'girls' decided to not only require constant support (as in a bra literally 24/7) but also to begin blossoming a bit early. LOL! This weekend I did have a chance to rest a little and to start reading my pregnancy books! Great stuff. Some of what I read was common sense but other info was all new to me. For example, I learned that it is important for me to sleep on my left side to ensure the best blood flow to the placenta and developing bambino. For our household, that meant swapping sides of the bed with Brad. Also since spring has sprung in our neck of the woods, Brad started the prep of the flower beds. He insisted that I not help after we read something about being cautious around soil because of potential toxins, fungus, etc.

The bigger picture I got from this week's events was that I have to rely on others more (as in give up some of my 'Miss Independent', 'I can do anything' attitude) and that someone else is dependent on me and my actions (what I eat, how much rest I get, what I lift, what chemicals I'm exposed to, etc). It is a humbling realization. Brad told me he too had a similar epiphany. He said he realized that for the first time someone else was going to be truly dependent on him. He said that if something happened to him before now, that he was sure that I would be able to take care of myself (gee don't sound so confident Hon'-I'm actually quite fond of you) but that now we were about to bring someone into the world that he is supposed to take care of, forever. I think we are both rather awed at the thought of being parents. Gulp. We are in real danger of becoming 'grown-ups'.

P.S. That's my 'belly shot' from week 4. If you think you detect a baby 'bump', let me assure you that it's too early to blame the baby. Fertility drugs maybe, but not baby. We will have our week 5 photo shoot this week (and by photo shoot I mean I will stand next to the same wall in our bedroom). I'll even put on make-up this time so you can see my face in this one! Also, for any of you that are confused about me being in week 5 now.....pregnancy is actually calculated from the first day of your last period. So even though the fertilization age of our baby is only 3weeks, the gestational age is actually 5 weeks. All very confusing, I know. I will try to post some sort of flow chart or something on my next entry.

6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing:
for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
-- Galatians, 6:9.


cjsayers77 said...

I have only 1 thing to say...

Jenn said...

YAY for the belly pics! Your mom will be sooo happy. SO, when do we get to start scrapbooking?? :)

I'm still sitting here with this HUGE grin on my face. I'm so utterly happy for you guys. What great parents you will be.

-Jenn & Nate