News from the Cathey household...... Ben is struggling to completely birth his first tooth and we are all struggling with him. I would post a pic or video of him (and I have taken them) but Brad has a compulsion for purchasing overly complicated audio-video equipment, as if he will be penalized for choosing user-friendly "mainstream" gear, (reminder: Brad is a computer programmer) and we have a new video camera. My still camera has been dropped one too many times and has now been rendered incapable of zooming and is, overall, useless. Sadly, I am the technologically challenged one so admittedly Brad is not solely to blame. LOL. As a side note, Brad is currently serving jury duty (grand jury....nice and predictable...every other Tuesday until September!). Also, I just found out yesterday afternoon that my company lost it's contract in the hospital I currently work at so I am crossing my fingers and saying prayers that we are all offered in-house positions. Yikes! Stress! The unknown is the greatest recipe for anxiety in my world.........
-----Donald Rumsfeld
Hi Lauren,
Ben's current source of milk may be abruptly discontinued once he tries out that new tooth. However, the Mommy service has gone well thus far. Regarding your profession or potential lack thereof, all three of our children and/or spouses are suffering possible job losses. Some just don't know it yet. We may all go on an extended vacation before it's over. I'll add your job to my prayers.
Love ya and look forward to July 4th. Ben has never been to Nana and Poppy's house.
Love ya, Nana
Lauren, Good luck with the job stuff. I know how anxiety-provoking that can be. I hope it works out best for you and your family! Big hugs:)
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