Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Links...

(BTW, this is a random picture I found online so
don't get your hopes up about the entertainment
potential thought to be contained in the blogs I linked to....
also try not to judge me based on the fact that I found that
picture entertaining....)

I added some new links to blogs I follow w/ some regularity (some more than others). Some belong to those I know and others are complete strangers and blogs I randomly found. If you check them out don't be offended by their content. I'll warn you that Stand and Deliver can be graphic in its pics and descriptions of childbirth, and even boasts pics or a video of the writer giving birth at home to her daughter a few years ago (its been so long that I can't remember which it it). Corpse of Milk is a friend's blog who is a writer turned OT like myself (the economy is cruel to creative employment) and its a mix of short fiction and family photos. The others have interesting stories of their own, most of which circle the realm of pregnancy, loss, children, and parenthood with a diverse look at day to day life across North America (including mad props to Canada w/ 2 representatives. LOL). So go ahead and be nosy. If I've linked to you and you don't want the pressure of my 5 followers breathing down your neck, then shoot me a comment and I will graciously remove your blog from the list. Happy reading my peeps!