Actually were at the Hampton Inn if you must know. Caryville, TN. On a very steep hillside. We arrived after midnight; in route to Asheville, NC to visit Biltmore and Brad's family. But it's 6:14 am and I have a babe on my breast. He had been sweetly babbling since 5:30 or so and, when babbling turned to screaming, I was finally moved to tend to him. I was thinking deep thoughts as I was lying there about the comedic realm that is hotel staying. I never wash my face so thoroughly as when presented with miniature soap designated facial and french-milled and 7 wash clothes that I don't have to launder. Standing there at the sink last night in front of the tri-fold bathroom mirror with flattering lighting, I was also moved to floss, and use the "complimentary" make-up remover towelette, mouthwash, and moisturizer. Short of an actual shower, I don't know when I have ever been more well groomed.

This particular "Inn" is pretty peculiar. There are a variety of statues outside; a horse and jockey, whales, an elephant. Also there are two Model-A's ( is a Model-T as you can see in the above picture) in the front circle drive. Next to the elevator there is a glass encasement featuring a leather jacket with a caption describing it as being worn by someone some 50+ yrs ago when he was shot and killed, note the bullet holes the caption insists. I have no idea if he is someone famous or historical that I should know. I'll try to catch his name on my way to the continental breakfast in an hr or so. Ahh, continental breakfast. I am giddy with excited for my free toast and coffee. Again something to do with not having to make it or clean up after myself. What can I say, I'm easy to entertain.
Ok loyal masses (all 3 or 4 of you), Ben is satiated and I am going to attempt to return his sleeping body to the portable crib and catch a few more zzz's myself. Try to contain your excitement but I intend to add some pictures of our mountain side retreat tomorrow, bullet holes and all.
P.S. See the comments for info on the leather jacket's owner. Also please share in my concern for the security of my internet connection via the free wi-fi.
"It always feels like somebody's watching me..."
--Michael Jackson (?)
--Michael Jackson (?)
P.P.S. More pics from the hotel....
Ironing board surfing.......imagine Brad is
humming Beach Boys right now..
And the ski lift was comic relief to say the least....
Sorry I couldn't resist. A flattering pic of me...
notice its a head shot. My post-baby body is a plump,
pale disaster. Chuck Norris has a lot of work ahead of him....
Sorry I couldn't resist. A flattering pic of me...
notice its a head shot. My post-baby body is a plump,
pale disaster. Chuck Norris has a lot of work ahead of him....
Ironing board surfing.......imagine Brad is
humming Beach Boys right now..
And the ski lift was comic relief to say the least....
The jacket belonged to the father of the man that owns that particular hotel; Haskel "Hack" Ayers... he'll probably be there to great you at breakfast.
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