Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am a ball of nerves.......

News Flash: Shared risk program or bust! We have decided to take a gamble and ask to be enrolled in the shared risk program @ our infertility clinic. I have no reason to believe we won't be allowed to enroll since we have no known diagnoses. We are in the "unknown infertility" category; perfect candidates, I'd say. I guess we will find out tomorrow. BTW, the shared risk program consists of this: pay large sum upfront before initial round of IVF in exchange for a guarantee of a live birth after 4 rounds or your money back, minus a small fee. The "risk" on our end is that we maybe paying just over double the cost of a single round of IVF for 1 round only IF we get pg the first time. But, hey, we will be holding our much awaited little miracle and will not care, right?
Well, coincidentally, AF (Actual Flow, as in menstruation...or as I fondly call it "Aunt Flow") knocked lightly on the door on Tuesday night with some spotting....and broke the door down Wednesday afternoon with an official appearance and some killer cramping. I tell you this because that means I will be on CD (cycle day) 3 on Friday for our IVF education appt. This is a good thing because that's the day they normally do blood work and start you on the BC (birth control) needed to shut your system down before beginning the drugs for IVF. Timing is everything! I talked to an IVF nurse this afternoon and she said we would be timed "perfectly" to start IVF this cylce!!!!!! It's like Christmas Eve and the night before a job interview combined....I am a ball of nerves!!!!!!!!