Friday, March 20, 2009

Our Growing Boy....

This is the outfit Ben will be getting his picture taken in Friday morning....we had to try it on him to make sure it fit. He managed to drool on it for good measures. He looks like a BOY not a baby. He is growing soooo fast. Just look at his crazy hair. It's a daily battle to control it.

Here we have a couple of close-ups in the swing. We now have the toy tray on the swing w/ all kinds of things attached. He is grabbing these toys and shoving them in his mouth when he can coordinate it. He also LOVES faces and lights up whenever you look his way w/ a smile or a gaping mouth...I don't know why he thinks that's so funny. I think we are going to break out the Exer-saucer soon to see how he is w/ trunk control in supported standing now that he has mastered supported sitting. These are exciting times in the Cathey household. :)


Candi said...

OMG!!!!!! Ben is getting so big! Where does the time go??